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Angels Of Care Employees

Employee Appreciation Day 2019 – Colorado

Our main goal at Angels of Care is to spread our HALOS values with as many families as possible. Just like Bonnie West, everyone at AOC is passionate about creating a safe, trustworthy home health resource for medically fragile children and young adults. So, in 2017, we finally checked off another item off of the AOC bucket list by opening up a branch in Denver, Colorado! We are thrilled to be serving Colorado and the past two years have been a wonderful, rewarding adventure. However, this growth would not have been possible without the Denver branch’s dedicated team. To show our thanks, Angels of Care – Denver had its first official Employee Appreciation Day!

The Pueblo Zoo was the perfect place to host the first annual Employee Appreciation Day for our Colorado family. Wide, open spaces provided plenty of room for children with wheelchairs to explore and not be inhibited. There was plenty of shaded space for chatting, exploring, and for the patients’ families to meet and connect with members of the Denver branch. In addition to seeing familiar faces and making new friends, the employees and patients were accompanied by some beautiful male peacocks!

Although we were celebrating in Colorado, the Texas heat decided to show up for the party. Luckily, the Pueblo Zoo provided plenty of shade via pavilion and mature trees to keep the overzealous sunshine at bay! The calls of the zoo animals drifted over to the celebration as everyone excitedly chatted and got to know each other. Because Colorado is so much smaller than Texas it was great to see how tight knit the AOC family there is. Texas team members Ashlyn, Justin, and Ashley were welcome guests and it was the perfect opportunity for them to connect with the Denver branch.

We had a special surprise when we were able to experience one of the AOC angels, John Michael, exhibit his awesome animal knowledge as an employee of the Pueblo Zoo! He has come a long way since beginning services with Angels of Care and now has the opportunity to provide presentations to zoo guests on various animals and their habitats! It was inspiring to see John Michael’s passion come to life as he introduced Leadership to some of his unique animal friends.

To cap off the day, a picnic style lunch was served complete with crispy, delicious fried chicken. Some members of the Colorado Leadership Team decided to show off some of their service skills by serving the employees their lunch just before the special prize giveaways started. Amidst the fun, several Colorado Leadership team members had opportunities to speak to all of the Employee Appreciation Day attendees. They introduced the office staff to all of the field employees before showing their appreciation for the Angels of Care family. Leadership wanted to express their gratitude to field and office staff alike for all that they do on a daily basis to bring Bonnie West’s vision to fruition in the beautiful state of Colorado. Their positive representation of Angels of Care in the community has begun to spread the HALOS culture across the state of Colorado and will continue to do so in the future. This was the first of many Employee Appreciation Days to come and Angels of Care is so delighted to have this one-of-a-kind team to forge the way as we continue to grow and touch families across the state of Colorado.

Do you want to become a part of the Angels of Care family in either Texas or Colorado? We would love to have you!

Contact us at careers@angelsofcare.com | 903-532-1400

Employee Appreciation Day 2019 — Texas

At Angels of Care Pediatric Home Health we LOVE OUR EMPLOYEES!!! The hard work and dedication of our incredible nurses and office staff does not go unnoticed. So, every year, we like to show our staff how much we appreciate them with Employee Appreciation Day giveaways!!

As y’all know, summers in Texas are HOT. So what better way to kick off Employee Appreciation Day than with Kona Ice sno-cones?  The Kona Ice truck had every flavor imaginable and was even equipped with a tap on the outside for the AOC employees to make their own cones. If that wasn’t enough to cool us down, the water guns full of ice water definitely did the trick! The rest of the afternoon was full of pizza and fellowship while we eagerly awaited the big giveaway. Angels of Care’s founder, Bonnie West, along with her family got the real party started when Jessica Riggs, our President and CEO, announced that it was time for the much anticipated car giveaway. This year’s car was a 2019 electric blue Ford Mustang and wow was it pretty. Jessica shook the box as everyone crossed their fingers, toes, and said a little prayer. She pulled out a name and read it aloud, “Kelli Mullens!” Kelli is one of the nurses at Angels of Care and she will now have a brand new ride every time she goes to see her patient! Afterwards was the drawing for 24 cash prizes and that really raised the excitement level to a 10. Everyone was cheering as name after name was drawn and all were rooting for their friends each time the drawing box was shaken. The staff at Angels of Care work so hard during the week to provide our special needs kids with their home health services, so it was wonderful to see them have such a fun time as leadership showed them their appreciation.

The nurses and office staff are key players in the success of Angels of Care. Every day we strive to provide exceptional care for our special needs patients to ensure that their needs are met and their families’ worries are eased. Our nurses go above and beyond for their patients, developing relationships with them and their families and making the healthcare process as positive as possible. Behind the scenes, our office staff is constantly speaking and working with families to ensure their needs are being met, making sure their fellow employees are being taken care of, and working to create an overall sense of fellowship and order to help the entire process go smoothly. This is why Employee Appreciation Day is so important at Angels of Care. Without the Angels of Care employees working together every day towards a better future, Bonnie West’s vision of helping special needs children could have never reached fruition. Thank you to everyone who makes Angels of Care a special place. The world is a little brighter because of all that you do.

To learn more about our pediatric home health services, contact us today! (855) 45-ANGEL
