
In-Home Supportive Services

In-Home Support Services (IHSS) is a consumer directed program funded by Colorado Medicaid that is unique by allowing a client’s chosen attendant to perform a multitude of care services.

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What is it?

Expert Care In Your Home

IHSS is a popular option for individuals that prefer to have a relative or other familiar individual provide their personal care services. Additionally, the program allows for multiple care staff to be involved, so a client may choose to have a relative or friend provide some cares and request the IHSS agency provide additional staff at any chosen interval.

Services may include:

  • Personal Care
  • Homemaker Services
  • Health Maintenance Services

IHSS is an extremely flexible care option. One of the highlights of the program is the allowance of duties normally deemed to be skilled care – or care proffered by a licensed professional – to be performed by a client’s chosen attendant. An example would be the allowance of medication management or diabetic injections as long as the care is delivered safely by the trained caregiver and under the client’s self-direction. The allowance of otherwise skilled duties are deemed Health Maintenance Activities under the IHSS program and are reimbursable for the caregiver.


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Angels of Care is The Name You Can Trust for Pediatric and Young Adult Nursing, Home Health, Therapy, and Support Services.