Occupational Therapy
Our Angels in Texas and Colorado provide pediatric occupational therapy to medically fragile and complex children in their homes.
What We Do
What Is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapist (OTs) help children to improve fine motor skills, sensory motor skills, and visual motor skills they need to perform for self-care and socialization.
Fine motor skills involve the small muscle groups in our bodies, such as those in our hands and fingers. These skills typically require coordination between our muscles and our eyes to perform activities such as writing and tying shoelaces. Sensory motor skills involve translating input from our senses into moving our bodies accordingly in response. And visual motor skills include eye-hand coordination, motor control, and visual perception, among others.
Occupational therapy can help with many self-care and other tasks, including:
Grooming and bathing (brushing teeth and hair)
Getting dressed (fastening buttons & zippers; tying shoes)
Feeding (using utensils, drinking from a cup or glass)
Using crayons, pencils, scissors, etc.
Drawing shapes and writing
Learning to play with new toys and doing so appropriately (stacking blocks, completing puzzles)
Learning new activities and routines