Private Duty Nursing
Private Duty Nursing is clinical care provided at home, school, or daycare by an RN (registered nurse) or LVN/LPN (licensed vocational nurse/licensed practical nurse).

Expert In-Home Clinical Care
Each child and family is unique, and Angels of Care strives to place the perfect care team for each child and their family. We add RNs and LVN/LPNs to our team on a daily basis who are thoroughly screened to select only the best qualified applicants.
Once a family finds the perfect Angels of Care nurse, the relationship is permanent. Because of the ways we value and train our RNs and LVNs and how we selectively match nurses to families, thousands of families have benefitted from our long-term services in their homes.
Furthermore, Angels of Care assesses all of our nurses to ensure clinical competency and knowledge. The testing provided includes hands-on training with state-of-the-art training manikins and equipment, as well as written assessments and skills demonstrations. Angels of Care provides rigorous testing to all RNs and LVN/LPNs, both in our offices and within their client’s homes to ensure that the children they care for get nothing but the best.