APTA 2025
Caroline, Travis and Marcus are meeting physical therapists at the American Physical Therapy Association’s 50th Annual Combined Sections Meeting in Houston! We would love for you to stop by Booth…
Best of Pueblo 2024
We are excited to announce that Angels of Care was voted Pueblo, CO’s Best Home Healthcare Service! We look forward to bringing Heart, Advocacy, Love, Outreach, and Speed statewide for…
2024 Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Congratulations to our Jacksonville, FL team for winning our 2024 Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Their pumpkins entitled “AOC Under the Sea” are on display at our Jacksonville home health office until…
AOC Receives Innovation in Customer Experience Award from T-Mobile
T-Mobile recently hosted The Unconventional Awards program, recognizing leaders who find creative ways to serve their communities. Angels of Care is honored to have received 3rd place in the Innovation…
North Texas Therapy In-Service
Our Texas Therapy Team met recently for an in-service and team-building event! They focused on providing excellent HALOS service to our families, therapists, and doctors’ offices while getting to know…
Coffee with Clinicians – Houston, TX
Our Houston Therapy Team enjoyed Coffee with Clinicians at Empire Cafe! Our topic this month was using AAC devices in the home health setting.
The Storybook Gala
Angels of Care enjoyed a beautiful evening with a great cause at The Child Advocacy Center’s Storybook Gala. This event was a fundraising opportunity which supported local children who have…
Fun Friday in Florida!
Our Florida team enjoyed their first-ever Fun Friday last week! Each Friday, the Florida team has a theme day where they dress up and host pot luck luncheons. Last week,…
Hugapalooza 2024 | Dallas, TX
Our Dallas Team had a wonderful time at Kidlinks’ Hugapalooza! This children’s concert and resource fair was jam-packed with music and activities to help kids feel better, special, and happy.…
Colorado’s Coffee with Clinicians | August
Members of the Colorado Therapy team enjoyed our monthly Coffee with Clinicians! Our team loved connecting with our therapists over Starbucks, we look forward to these coffee dates!
Congratulations, Kristen Robison, RN!
Advocating for the medically fragile community is a key value at Angels of Care. We strive not only to provide exceptional home health services to our pediatric patients, but to…
2015 marks Angels of Care Pediatric Home Health’s 15th year of service to the special needs community in Texas
It all started with one Angel and her dream for every special needs child to have a place to receive specialized home health care in the most loving…