Weather Announcement:
As part of Angels of Care’s Emergency Preparedness Program, we want to ensure that our clients, staff and families stay alert and weather-aware over the next few days. The majority of Texas is under an extreme wind warning and travel advisory over the few days. Power outages, tree damage, and structural damage are expected due to the high winds. Visibility maybe limited due to dust and debris in some areas. Please plan today in the event you are unable to leave your home over the next several days. It is a good idea to keep your cell phones and medical devices charged in the event of loss of power. Ensure you have enough food, formula, and water, and prepare your vehicle with a full gas tank and emergency supplies like flashlights, blankets, and batteries. Also, check your medications and if you have any that need to be refilled over the next week, call your pharmacy and ask for them to be refilled early.
If you or anyone in your home needs assistance over the next week, please contact your local branch office (numbers listed below) or your local Red Cross @, or local state and federal emergency management agencies @
Sherman: 903-551-3300
Tyler: (903) 534-4684
Dallas: (972) 702-0300
Ft Worth: (817) 810-0660
Austin: (512) 996-9559
Corpus Christi: (361) 400-1886
San Antonio: (210) 731-9570
Temple: (254) 252-5757
Houston: (713) 799-2200
Abilene: (325) 690-0583
Amarillo: (806) 353-2700
Lubbock: (806) 744-8999
Odessa: (432) 550-1721
Wichita Falls: (940) 761-9986
El Paso: (915) 213-1289